This weekend marked the nine year (3285 days) milestone of work performed without Loss Time Injury at Gulf Coast Signs of Sarasota, Inc. (GCS). This outstanding accomplishment is the direct result of our focus on Safety and Environmental responsibility by every single member of GCS team. As the owner, I believe in providing safe work environment in which the employees can do their assigned tasks safely while providing efficient and quality service in pursuit of ultimate customer satisfaction. While we had significant challenges during the tough economic environment of the last eight years we maintained our value principles – achieving customer satisfaction through people, quality, safety and environmental responsibility – that is why we believe we are the premier full service sign company in our market.
As the proud owner I am privileged to be the leader of such a class team. On behalf of the entire GCS team, I want to thank all our customers, and our external partners helping us reach this outstanding accomplishment. When we work safely everyone wins; the employees win, the employees’ families win, our external partners win, and our customers win; ultimately the GCS team.
Let’s keep it up GCS team, I salute you!
Hidayet L. Kutat, President / CEO